

Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir (Iceland, 1973) is the author of eight poetry collections, two novels and a few staged plays. Her poetry cycle Blysfarir (Torch Marches) was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2009 and was subsequently released in German and Swedish. Her poetry is widely translated for readings and anthologies in European circles and beyond. Her mini-play Decent People, on Nobel Prize author Halldór Laxness, was staged at King’s Place in London in 2016. Þrastardóttir is the translator of Simon Armitage’s poetry selection Þaðan sem við horfum (From Where We Stand), published by Icelandic editor Dimma in 2019, and currently works on further translations of poetry. She also collaborates with musicians and visual artists, most recently with composer Ingibjörg Ýr Skarphéðinsdóttir on Klakabrennur II, a piece for mezzosoprano and string quartet, on climate angst. Þrastardóttir’s latest book is the poetry collection Hryggdýr (Triste Beasts).

(c) photo: Ásta Gísladóttir

  • Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Belgium
  • Ambassade du Luxembourg à Bruxelles
  • Polish Institute - Cultural Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels
  • Embassy of Andorra
  • LOFT 58
  • Spain Arts and Culture - Cultural and Scientific Service of the Embassy of Spain in Belgium
  • Lithuanian Culture Institute
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Estonia to the European Union
  • Greenland Representation to the European Union
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Czech Centre Brussels
  • Hungarian Cultural Institute Brussels
  • Commission européenne
  • Camões Instituto de Cooperação e Língua Portugal
  • Instituto Cervantes Brussels
  • Etxepare Euskal Institutua
  • Ville de Bruxelles
  • Danish Cultural Institute
  • It Skriuwersboun
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union
  • Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Belgium
  • Scottish Government EU Office
  • Swedish Institute
  • Mission of the Faroes to the EU
  • Embassy of Sweden
  • Greenlandic Writers Association
  • Embassy of Ireland
  • Leeuwarden Europan Capital of Culture 2018
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura
  • Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
  • MuntPunt
  • Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Orfeu - Livraria Portuguesa
  • Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels
  • Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
  • Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren
  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • Yunus Emre Institute